
The Great Vigil of Easter

The Great Vigil of Easter

The Great Vigil of Easter is four services in one: the Service of Light, the Service of the Word, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion. This year, Fr. Michael Novotny preached a brief homily by the early church father, John Chrysostom. This sermon has been preached throughout the world for nearly sixteen hundred years at the Great Vigil of Easter. He is Risen!

Good Friday

Good Friday

What did Jesus accomplish in the incarnation? As we gather at the foot of the cross to remember the death of our Lord on this Good Friday, we are challenged to ask this question. In this Good Friday message Fr. Jonathan Hicks helps us to understand the final 7 words of Christ on the cross. In this single event, Jesus conquers our three greatest enemies: sin, abandonment, and death.

The Third Sunday in Lent

The Third Sunday in Lent

Does zeal for God’s house consume you as it did Jesus? As Jesus clears the temple of merchants and money-changers, his disciples remember Psalm 69:9. In this week’s message, Fr. Michael Novotny helps us understand the significance of this episode in Jesus’ ministry and how it applies to how we understand the importance of God’s presence, the Temple, and the Church in our lives today.