A Glimpse of our Personal and Living God

Discussion Questions for Community Groups

Scripture passage: Luke 15:1-10 (The parables of the lost sheep and lost coin).

  1. Who are some important mentors in your life? What made them special to you?
  2. Fr. Lyle said there are three things we can learn about the character of God from these parables: 1. Our Father is a loving and wooing God, 2. God isn't focused on the masses, but instead cares for the individual, and 3. God personally rejoices over single souls coming back into relationship with him. Which of these three principles is particularly meaningful to you? Why?
  3. The Bible says that God is the creator of the entire universe, and yet he still knows us by name. How does this comfort us?
  4. What kind of tension does this bring up regarding unbelievers (that God cares for individuals)?
  5. Fr. Lyle emphasized that your view of God shapes how you view people. How did the Pharisees view God, and how did this impact their view of people?
  6. As Christians, we are called to be like God. In light of this passage, how can we become more like God?