Facilitating a safe and nurturing environment in which children can grow in relationship with Jesus Christ.
Children are a very important part of Christ the King. They are welcome in the main service at any time. The Anglican Church is a unique environment where everyone can experience Christ through all five senses. This allows children and adults alike to experience the presence of God across all learning styles. We desire for our church’s children’s ministry to be an environment where children can ask questions, be filled with wonder, and be a part of the community as a whole. We are glad you are here. Welcome to Christ the King.
Visitor Info
Visitors are always welcome at Christ the King! Please see below for information about childcare and classes offered on Sunday mornings. Classes are held in the smaller building adjoining the main one. Look for "CTK Kids" on the door.
Sunday School & Childcare
8:45 to 9:45 AM
Nursery: 6 months to 23 months
Playtime & Crafts: 2 years old to 8 years old
Upper Elementary Catechism: 3rd to 5th graders
While adults attend Sunday School, we provide Nursery and childcare for children ages 6 months to 8 years old. Upper Elementary children attend a Catechism class during this hour.
Children’s Church&Classes
10:00 a.m.
Babies and 2 yr olds: Nurseries are available
3-8 years old: Liturgical group time and age-divided classes
Children's Church is a time of liturgy, worship, and a Bible lesson designed especially for our little ones. Children will return to their parents during the "passing of the peace." Please contact Hannah Francis for more info.
Special Events
CTK Kids is excited to present Faith Lab Science VBS: a science inspired, Christ focused Vacation Bible School for ages 3 through the 5th grade. July 7-11, 2025. 9am-Noon.
Homeschool Co-op
Please reach out to Erin Clemmons for more details about our homeschooling co-op that meets on Mondays in our Education Building.
More info: https://www.ctkbirmingham.org/homeschool