“…having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints…”

(Ephesians 1:18)

St. Paul regularly made it his practice to address Christians as “saints”—

not because they had already attained the goal, but that they might press on to make it their own, since Christ Jesus had made them His own (Phil. 3:12).

Similarly, Christians in the 6th-12th grades at the parish are called to a high standard while resting in the work of Jesus Christ as the “full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice…for the sins of the whole world” (BCP, p. 116).

The mission of Saints at CTK is that the young people of Christ the King would:

  1. hear & believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God

  2. grow & mature in the knowledge, wisdom, and love of the triune God

  3. put on faith, hope, and love as the sustaining virtues of the Christian life

  4. know themselves as full and living members of Christ’s body, the Church. 


8:45 aM | Sundays

In our present Sunday school class, we’re engaging together 10 tough questions every teenager should ask & answer about Christianity. Universal truth, the problem of evil, the trustworthiness of Scripture, science & faith, sexuality & gender, heaven & hell, and more! Donuts provided!


5:30-7:00 PM | Wednesdays

We gather in the Youth Room (bottom floor of the Ed Building) and begin at 5:30pm with prayer & song. We then have a time of Bible teaching, followed by dinner & discussion in small groups (boys/girls) led by male and female Saints leaders. Then games, from 6:30-7:00. Our present series considers the ways the Exodus provides a central type to understand all of Scripture and all of God’s saving action in the world. Dinner provided!

Contact Fr. Zack with any questions!