God has gifted artists
for the service of His Kingdom
From Bezalel and Oholiab, to the choir of David’s court, to the folk-singing of the gathered Ephesians, and on through the countless iconographers, painters, sculptors, composers, musicians, weavers, poets, storytellers of the Church—artists have made manifest the manifold glories of the Triune God.
If you have been given and have nurtured creative gifts—gifts in the visual arts (from sculpture to painting to glass-blowing to design), gifts in the narrative arts (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction), or musical gifts (performance, composition, etc.)—we invite you to devote those gifts unto the Lord’s service. We invite you to make an offering of beauty, a sacrifice of praise.
Christ the King hosts church-seasonal Arts Galleries & Events, wherein we invite artists in our church, diocese, and beyond to make artworks in response to a theme. We then display the visual works in a curated gallery in our church’s narthex, and organize a gallery opening event for the reading of written works and the performance of musical works.
Past Galleries have included:
Advent 2022 | Behold, The Bridegroom Cometh: Anticipation, Arrival, and All That We Await
Eastertide 2023 | Ah! Bright Wrings: God’s Grandeur in Creation & Re-Creation
Epiphany 2024 | All Who Have Loved His Appearing: Manifestations of the Christ
We also publish a small edited journal of written submissions.
Read past journals: