Where is that fire which once descended?
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the World
A Pentecost Arts Gallery & Event
June 4th, 2022 || 6:00 pm
Andrew Wyeth, Pentecost, 1989. Tempera with pencil on panel, 20 3/4 × 30 5/8 in. Private collection. Photo©Artists Rights Society (ARS).
Where is that fire which once descended
On thy Apostles? thou didst then
Keep open house, richly attended,
Feasting all comers by twelve chosen men.
Such glorious gifts thou didst bestow,
That th’ earth did like a heav’n appeare;
The starres were coming down to know
If they might mend their wages, and serve here.
—from George Herbert, “Whitsunday”
The Holy Spirit is God,
doing what ONLY God can do—
He creates, he gives life, he consecrates, he sanctifies, he inspires Holy Scripture, he illumines, he dwells in believers, he comforts and consoles them.
At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended in dramatic power—filling the room in wind and flame, distributing gifts, reversing Babel, convicting and then converting hearts. He works powerfully in and through the apostles to lead the Church into all truth, and has been doing so for some two millennia and more.
And yet, for whatever reason, Christians often act like the Holy Spirit has gone silent, like the mighty rushing wind has died down. The Holy Spirit is at work in the world, doing what he has always done. Where can we see his work? Where should we? How is the Spirit at work in the world?
God has gifted artists
for the service of His Kingdom
If you have been given and have nurtured creative gifts—gifts in the visual arts (from sculpture to painting to glass-blowing to design), gifts in the narrative arts (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction), or musical gifts (performance, composition, etc.)—we invite you to devote those gifts unto the Lord’s service. We invite you to make an offering of beauty.
We would love to display your visual art in our Pentecost art gallery, or feature your narrative or musical art in the gallery opening event (and, potentially, the accompanying arts journal).
Consider the prompt, pray without ceasing, and create!
Where do you see the Holy Spirit at work in the world? Help us to see, help us to hear, and may the Lord be honored and the beauty of his holiness displayed for the Church and for the world.
If you’re interested
Contact Deacon Zack Clemmons at
We’ll talk details on your project, and any questions you have will be answered!
(But I’m not an artist!)
If you don’t consider yourself a creative person, or can’t contribute artistically to our Pentecost Gallery and Event, there will be other ways to support this event, forthcoming in further communications.
In the meantime, mark your calendars for our gallery opening event on Pentecost Eve:
June 4th || 6:00pm
Christ the King Anglican Church
This event will be open to the public, so invite friends and neighbors!